Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
This world tends to be very tuned into beauty. It can become such a focus that we can treat people differently based on their looks. We sometimes forget about the more important things such as good character. Our looks can even influence how we feel about ourselves. If we feel we aren’t good-looking enough, we feel like we aren’t good enough. We know, however, that God looks at the heart. Therefore, while we want to take care of our bodies, our looks ought to be secondary to our character.
Dear heavenly father, help us to remember that our looks are not the most important thing about our lives. Also, we can be charming and well spoken, but what matters most to you is that we fear you and put you first in our lives. Guide us to seek you first Lord, for all our decisions today. Please enable us to be willing to follow you instead of satisfying our fleshly desires. Amen!