Step 3 is all about full surrender: Turning our will and our lives over to our good and gracious God every day in all aspects of our lives.
For so many struggling with food addiction, emotional eating, or even just a constant battle with weight, control feels like the answer.
We try to willpower our way to success—counting calories, following strict diets, and making promises to “do better tomorrow.” But control often keeps us trapped in cycles of frustration and failure.
True transformation comes when we surrender—not giving up, but giving over our struggles to God. He doesn’t just want to help us with our weight; He wants to renew our hearts, our minds, and our daily choices.
Surrender means trusting Him with the process, leaning on His strength instead of our own, and allowing His grace to guide us to lasting freedom.
If you’ve been stuck trying to manage it all on your own, maybe today is the day to take that next step of surrender. What’s one area of your life where you need to let go and trust Him more? Let’s encourage each other in this journey!