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Healthy Recipe

Chicken Quesadilla. One skinless chicken breast, shredded. I bought mine already cooked, I just needed to get it off the bone and shred it. Then I sprinkled chili powder (a heavy coating), season salt, and garlic salt. I heated the ingredients in a frying pan with no oil. Once warm, I sprayed another pan and placed two tortillas in the pan, placed the chicken over the top, then topped it with 1/4 cup cheese, then covered it with another tortilla. I think a little more cheese would have been better. I heated the tortilla on one side, then flipped it over and heated the other side. Added my favorite vegetable (zucchini) and served dinner for both Tony and me. It was a hit! Just about 340 calories per tortilla.

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I’ve tried this. It is very tasty!

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